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作者: 杨轶清 陶莺 俞红  来源:商业经济与管理 年份:2008 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 浙商  决策模型  项目管理  有机集成  战略管理 
描述:战略管理决定公司的前进方向,而项目管理则是方法.许多企业决策效率低下的一个重要原因,就是项目实施与战略不匹配,且缺乏组织保障.现代企业竞争表明"战略是通过项目来实现的,而每个项目都应和组织的战略有明确的联系."随着市场竞争的集成化和体系化,部分浙商原先存在的决策的随机性和执行的随意性问题亟需扬弃.因此,如何将企业的战略管理与项目管理有机集成,有效解决战略规划和项目管理不能"联网"的问题,将成为浙商重要的决策选项.建立两者的互动机制,有助于减少浙商决策的随意性,提升决策效率和组织智能,帮助浙商决策管理走向科学化规范化.本文以传化集团多元化决策及其有效执行为例,分析了浙商的决策行为及其变化过程.Strategy management decides a corporation's forward direction, and project management decides methods. A major reason for many enterprises' low decision efficiency is that project implementation does not match strategy and lacks organizational guarantee. Modern enterprise competition indicates that strategy is realized by projects and every project should have clear contact with organizational strategy. And as market competition becomes more integrated and systematic, some Zhejiang businessmen must abandon the randomness of the decision - making and the arbitrariness of implementation. So the problem how to make a strategic plan and project management integrated and connected wiU be Zhejiang businessmen's important decision. Establishing an interactional mechanism between the two helps to reduce randomness of the decision- making, to improve decision efficiency and organizational intelligence, to change disconnection between strategy plan and project management, and to make Zhejing businessmen' s management and decision standardized and scientific. This article adopts Tranfer Group pluralism and the effective implementation of the decision - making as an example, analyzes Zhejiang businessmen's changes in behavior and decision - making process.
作者: 杨轶清 陶莺 俞红  来源:商业经济与管理 年份:2008 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 浙商  决策模型  项目管理  有机集成  战略管理 
作者: 李东  来源:商业经济与管理 年份:2015 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 企业商业模式  模式演化  结构模型  概念体系  收敛趋势  影响因素  最热点  研究专题  战略管理  理论与实践 
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