陈学文 来源:商业经济与管理 年份:2007 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 浙商 人文基因 genes 明清时代 dynasties (Zhejiang Ming school Zhejiang and Qing East human 浙东学派 Zheshang businessman)
描述:历史上浙商是颇具实力开拓型的商人群体.它秉承吴越大地的英气,在历史转型中,接受了经世致用的渐东学派学说,志在天涯.鱼米之乡、丝绸之府,为浙商提供了丰裕的商品;畅达的交通,方便了浙商的贩销;然而人文基因(事功学说)更是培育了它的成长.诸多因素交互作用,把浙商推向历史舞台.本文以大量史实和历史文化精英的论述为根基,采用历史实证的方法来研讨浙商的历史.In the period of historical transformation, Zheshang, a group of open - minded businessmen in Zhejiang province, guided by the pragmatic theory of East Zhejiang school, have had a strong will to work around the world. Zheshang have benefited greatly from the abundant provision of goods as a home of fish and rice, and a home of silk as well ; from the convenient transportation for them to make trades ; and from the traditional human genes for them to grow up well. The interaction of these factors has pushed Zheshang, Zhejiang businessmen, to the front of the historical stage. The paper explores the history of Zheshang development by means of empirical studies on the basis of a amount of historical facts and the statements made by the great elites.