作者: 张敏 朱小平  来源:商业经济与管理 年份:2011 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 徽商  理财文化  内部控制  财务管理 
描述:由于现代民营企业与古代位居十大商帮之首的徽商在经营内容和家族式经营性质上存在许多共性,因此民营企业要想在新的经济环境下奋力崛起就必须借鉴徽商成功的理财经验,改进企业财务管理.文章从理财观、道德观、经营策略三个方面分析了徽商文化与民营企业财务管理的协同性,揭示了当前民营企业财务管理尚未达到和谐和主要表现,然后提出了徽商文化对民营企业财务管理现代化建设的积极启示及经验教训,并给出了完善民营企业财务管理体系的对策建议.Because of the intercommunity on management content and household management of production between the modern private enterprise and the hui merchant which was the top one of the business group in ancient time of china,if private enterprise and the hui merchant which was the top one of the business group in ancient time of china,if private enterprises wanted to rise sharply under the new economic environment,they must profit from successful experience of hui merchants to improve business management.This article analyzes the coordination between hui merchant's culture and the private enterprise from the view of financial management,the moral outlook and the management strategy,discloses the manifestation that the financial management in current private enterprise has not yet achieved the harmonious,then proposes the inspiration and practical significance from hui merchant's culture to the private enterprise,and gives some countermeasure and suggestion to the consummation of the financial management system in private enterprise.
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