期刊 (1)
其他商帮 (1)
2012 (1)
财经研究 (1)
作者: 燕红忠  来源:财经研究 年份:2012 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 制度效率  委托代理制度  策略均衡  明清晋商 
描述:文章从博弈论的视角探讨了晋商内部治理结构中委托代理关系得以实施的两大保障机制一道德自律和惩戒机制.文章认为道义文化、参与人之间的策略互动与商帮集团的集体主义惩戒机制相互补充和加强,才很好地保障了晋商委托代理制度的有效实施和良好运转.在当时的条件下,晋商委托代理制度不仅实现了参与人之间的策略均衡,而且也使内部的制度安排与外部的社会环境相协调,从而很好地满足了制度安排的效率要求.因此,在建设社会主义市场经济过程中,道德文化与制度法规建设应当并重,人们普遍认同的各种商业习惯和行业惯例也应该得到尊重.From the angle of game theory, this paper probes into moral selfdiscipline and punishment mechanisms, which guarantee the implementa tion of principalagent relations in internal governance structure of Jinmerchants. It believes that the complementary relationship among moral and righteous culture, strategy interaction among participants and merchant groups' collectivism punishment mechanism guarantees the eft!ective imple mentation and sound operation of principalagent institution of Jinmer chants. Under the prevailing conditions then, principalagent institution of Jinmerchants realizes not only the strategy equilibrium among participants, but also the coordination o[ internal institutional arrangements and external social environment, thereby meeting the efficiency requirement o[ institution al arrangements. Therefore,in the process of constructing socialist market e conomy,moral culture and institutional law and rules should be paid equal attention,and widely recognized business customs as well as commercial rou tines should be respected.
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