作者: 韩永学  来源:商业经济与管理 年份:2008 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 传化集团  浙商  义利观  社会责任感  以利和义  义利并举 
作者: 韩永学  来源:商业经济与管理 年份:2008 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 传化集团  浙商  义利观  社会责任感  以利和义  义利并举 
描述:浙商在完成了马克思所说的"资本的原始积累都是血淋淋的"阶段之后普遍性的以社会责任感为统领,即"义"字当先.在众多的浙商群体中,传化集团在义利观的认识、理解与把握上更具代表性、典型性.通过研究发现,传化集团"义"字当先的深层理念却蕴含着"义利并举",传化集团在义利关系上坚持了"执两用中"的中庸哲学-"义"与"利"的结合恰到好处.从汉字文化角度看,"羲"(义)字本身就包含:我把从善良的、利于人民的象征"羊"高高地举起,为民所用.这表明"莪"的根本是善,"羲"的核心是利.虽然表面上是"义"字当先,实质上是"义利并举",浙商从根本上坚持的是传统文化中的非主流义利观,用南宋时期永嘉学派的代表人物叶适的话说就是"以利和义".Zhejiang Commerce has completed the stage of the capital primitive accumulation is bloody'said Marx, and has universally taken the sense of social responsibility as the head, namely "righteousness" works as first. Among many Zhejiang Commeree groups, Transfar Group is more representative and typical in understanding and mastering the righteousness and benefit view. Through the research, we find that Transfar Group's underlying eoncept which "righteousness" works as fast contains "both righteousness and benefit", and that Transfar Group adheres to the moderation philosophy , "rule of dual - use", on the relationship between righteousness and bertefit-the combination of "righteousness" and "benefit" is perfection. From the perspective of Chinese culture, "righteousness" contains the word itself: I raise "sheep" high which is a symbol of good and benefit to the people, use for the people. This shows that the basic of "righteousness" is good, and the core of it is benefit. Although on the surface "righteousness" works as fast, in the essence it is "both righteousness and benefit". Fundamentally Zhejiang Commeree insists on non - mainstream righteousness and benefit view in a traditional culture, just as Yeshi once said, the representative of Yongjia school in Southern Song, "for the benefit and righteousness."
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