雍家胜 来源:南方经济 年份:2009 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 盐业 文化信仰(封闭 宗族文化 开放) 同乡集体主义
描述:本文借鉴HCIA方法,尝试解释中国历史上著名的徽商的兴衰原因.分析具有强烈宗族文化的徽商如何在盐业竞争中脱颖而出,并形成相应的商业文化;并且以宁波商人(浙江商人的代表)为参照,比较说明宗族间"封闭"和"开放"的两种不同文化信仰在历史发展中的作用.在此基础上,本文强调文化的经济作用,强调在制度演化中文化的内生性,而不是仅仅作为一个外生的影响因素.According to HCIA, we try to explore the reason why Hui Shang can rise and decline. As advocate of Confucianism, Hui Shang had howling success with salt business for sale in the Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty, and formed their distinguishable business culture gradually. Comparing Hui Shang with Nin-Bo Shang, this paper shows the effects of the initial culture belief, Hui Shang's close-cluture and Ning-Bo Shang's open-culture, on economic performance and business pattern. Based on the comparative analysis, this paper emphasizes the endogenouse evolution of the culture belief and institution.