丁兆罡 陈松林 来源:华东经济管理 年份:2009 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 徽商 创业 创业文化
描述:文章以宗族制度和儒家伦理为两条主线索,系统阐释了徽商的创业文化内涵及其对现代企业经营者的启示,即宗族聚群互帮互助的抱团观念,敢于并善于冒险、不屈不挠和拼搏进取的骆驼精神,通过地缘、血缘、利缘和姻缘积累官府人脉资源的和商特点,从经营理念到经营行为都体现诚信仁义的儒商风范.Making lanship and Confucian ethic as two clues, this paper systematically explores the implications of Huishang's entrepreneurial culture, which is summarized to the following four aspects, namely, group thought of clanship, camel spirit of risk - taking while never giving up and always making progress, integrating government interpersonal relationship as harmony merchandisers, and Confucian integrity and kindness expressed in both entrepreneurial ideas and practices.