日期:2007.01.01 点击数:0




【作者】 贾晓燕 朱永新

【关键词】 内部诚信 诚信 晋商 个人诚信 外部诚信


【摘要】随着《白银谷》、《乔家大院》等电视剧的热播,对晋商的研究获得了更为广泛的关注.辉煌五百多年的晋商除有其客观因素外,其卓越的诚信体系发挥了举足轻重的作用.文章从心理学的角度,对晋商成功的重要因素-诚信进行解读,并分析其现代价值.With the TV show of "Bai Yin Gu", "Qiao Jia Da Yuan" etc. , more and more attention has been paid to Shanxi merchants More than five centurie's resplendence of Shanxi merchants isn't, only because of the external factors, but also due to their prominent honest and credit system. As a result, it has significant meaning to get a glimpse of the system and analyze its modem value from psychological view.




【作者单位】苏州大学应用心理学研究所  江苏苏州


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